304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Corporations Are Not Allowed to Enter into Contracts in Their Own Name

As a professional, I have come across the misconception that corporations are allowed to enter into contracts in their own name. This is simply not true.

In fact, a corporation is a legal entity that is separate from its owners, known as shareholders. As a separate entity, the corporation is permitted to enter into contracts and conduct business in its own name.

However, this does not mean that the corporation can simply sign a contract with its own name on it. In order for a corporation to enter into a contract, it must do so through its authorized representatives.

These representatives, typically officers or employees of the corporation, are given the authority to act on behalf of the corporation in matters such as signing contracts. The representatives must have explicit authority to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation, usually granted by the board of directors or another authorized body.

This distinction is important, as it protects both the corporation and the other party entering into the contract. If the corporation were allowed to enter into contracts in its own name, without the authorization of its representatives, it would open the door to confusion and potential legal disputes.

It`s also worth noting that even with authorized representatives, a corporation can only enter into contracts for purposes that fall within its stated business objectives. This means that if a contract falls outside of the corporation`s scope of business, it may not be enforceable.

In summary, corporations are not allowed to enter into contracts in their own name. However, they are permitted to do so through authorized representatives who act on behalf of the corporation. This distinction is important in ensuring clarity and legal validity of contracts entered into by corporations.